Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Listening to my echo

I've been challenged for many reasons - the most annoying is that I'll even do things that I say that I won't do.  Immediately after saying that I won't. Like when I said that I wouldn't try to influence the British vote on whether to leave the European Union. And then I kind of threatened them with the consequences. Ha!

Could that be true?  And, if it is, what does that mean? 

I suppose I might meditate on the words of  Dejan Stojanovic.

But there are more important considerations to examining my words. Do you hear that historians of my legacy?

There was my biggest whopper:  "No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period."  That helped pass the Affordable Care Act. And now it begins to crumble. But I won't be here to take the blame. 

I've massaged the truth in getting the Iran nuclear deal passed - even if I had to ramp up criticism on Israeli leaders.

If you google "Bush lies," you get about 49,000 hits. BUT if you google "Obama lies," you get almost 360,000 hits. 

Of my five biggest lies, I like the one about amnesty: "I am not a dictator." Because I did exactly that through my personal executive power.

Or take a look at my State of the Union address - I just couldn't help myself. 

Why do I do that?

Now, that is where historians should begin any discussion of my legacy. 

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