Monday, March 14, 2016

Will I morph into The Donald?

Some see me as paving the way for The Donald.

I can understand being seen as the positive and articulate, liberal antecedent to The Donald.

But there is a meaner view.

Consider one of my platitudes - being on "the right side of history." I don't have to do anything; history just happens.  The Donald is the bull in the workshop - "I get things done." He's so active that he'll break things; for me, things just break around me without me having to do anything. I know how to lead from behind.

I started out as a uniter, but ended up as a divider. Well, what can I say, the Republicans are the enemy; Wall Street is the enemy, not Occupy Wall Street.  I suppose The Donald will also fail as a uniter; he'll be a divider too, but as my opposite.  

Maybe I am giving birth to The Donald. We're both celebrities and we'll both dictate to the world from the Oval Office.

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