Obviously, I needed to have the U.S. military handbook purged of any and all negative references to Islamic terrorists. Anything negative said about Islam comes from the mind of an Islamophobe.
When Major Nidal Malik Hasan killed military personnel at Fort Hood several years ago, that was workplace violence even though he shouted allahu akbar while he shot our troops. This is the same with other workplace violence - even if the perpetrator cuts off the head of a co-worker and populating his Facebook page with an ISIS salute and a nod to Osama ben Laden. Better to downplay the superficial connections and to maintain a positive approach.
I'm just like George W. Bush is stepping lightly about identifying radical Islamic terrorists as Islamic. Just because it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck doesn't mean it is a duck. Simple.
It is important that you don't read books by feminists like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, especially Heretic. You might become convinced that there are radical verses in the Quran. Just because she grew up Islamic, just because she is a woman who was oppressed in the patriarchal culture of North African society, and just because she was the target of a religious fatwa for speaking her mind, doesn't mean Islam has a problem with being a religion of peace today.
And you should remember how I use a logical fallacy to attack the accurate radical Islamist comments. I simply say those folks are attacking all Muslims. Religious leaders and community leaders and political partisans all fall for this illogical thinking. Good thing I have a lot of lemmings listening to me.