The drip, drip, drip. The exquisite technological version of a death by a thousand slices; this is more serious than paper cuts. Why, oh why, did you hide your personal server in an old bathroom closet? National security hidden in an old closet?!
This is the hardest confession I've ever had to make. You can feel my pain, Bill. I remember your confessions about Monica, Paula, Gennifer, Juanita and Kathleen. So, like you, I admit to making a mistake and a weak attempt to correct it.
I can still hear those words. I just got to respect myself. You too, Hillary and Bill.
I just went to see the movie 13 Hours.
Wow. That's a powerful movie and right on. The real deal . . .
There's science and then there's real science.
And there's my kind of science - a transformative science.
Worthy of another Nobel prize.
The most important thing is to shape the news and get them to avoid those skeptics - ummm, I mean those deniers. So what if that is a slur?
Paul Thornton of the LA Times got it right -- don't print news about those nasty facts.
I just read two of those nasty facts at Climate Etc. That damn scientist Judith Curry just can't keep her mouth shut.
First, she writes: “The current focus on CO2 emissions reductions risks having a massively expensive global solution that is more damaging to societies than the problem of climate change.”
And then she invites other real scientists to write other ugly facts like the one by Bob Tisdale
“NOAA failed to make the necessary mid-20th Century adjustments to their ERSST.v4 sea surface temperature datasets—corrections that would have been supported by Thompson et al. (2008). Likely reasons: (1) NOAA did not want to decrease the warming rate starting in 1950 that would have resulted if they had made those corrections and (2) NOAA wanted to show a more continuous warming since 1950, which would not have existed if they had made those corrections.
Once again, maybe, in time, Dr. Sullivan of NOAA will produce the emails requested by Representative Smith so that we can confirm my suspicions and the suspicions of many others.”
Way too many questions. Way too much skepticism. That's not what transformative science is about.
I plan on having an amazing tour in my last year. A junket to remember.
Of course, I'll be skipping Libya, Israel, Egypt, the West Bank, Gaza, the Sinai, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Saudi Arabia (screwed those up). I would have liked to visit Moscow, but Putin reset the reset button.
But there are a few special ones to help firm up my legacy. Especially that Iran deal.
I was telling the truth when I said I was going to transform America.
I have a long list of examples of what I did. Some successful, others waiting to bear fruit.
Here is one of my firsts.
Only a few people believed me or maybe they were just biting their tongues, except for El Rushbo on talk radio. Hillary was right - he's part of that vast right-wing conspiracy.
If it weren't for that conspiracy, I could be the Prez forever.
I've been wondering about how to write my legacy. I could let the New York Times and other media friends describe my two great terms: The Obama Presidency. But they'll do that anyway.
Here's my first idea. I'd love to hear from you. Let me know what you like (forget the rest).
Your once and future Prez,
Barack Obama
P.S. I've got a bit more than a year left. Check back every Sunday in the midnight hour.