However, as a national leader, my role is far more aggressive and manipulative. Let me explain the why and wherefore of this difference in leadership.
Simply stated, it's the progressive needle ─ what we need to inject into America to make it fair and equal. You know all the slogan-think of progressivism ─ Bernie Sanders hits all the right notes:
• income inequality is the great moral issue of our time
• fight for a living wage
• government healthcare for all
• rich must pay fair taxes
• free college for all
• change to alternative energy from carbon-based energy
But what are the ways to get all these things?
Here's where deception, manipulation and raw power play an important part of making a progressive society.
Let's consider the IRS hit list of conservative non-profit organizations. It was inspirational. Lois Lerner did admirable work at the IRS before she was forced to resign.
She read my mind and ran with it. She targeted conservative advocacy groups after the Citizens United Supreme Court decision and then stonewalled Congress.
I told FOX that they’ll never find a smidgen of evidence – ha, her computer crashed and the emails vanished. Amazing woman. Got a good pension too. If they ever come after her, I’ll give her a pardon.
Then there was the Department of Justice stonewalling and lying to Judge Andrew Hanen, Southern District of Texas, about whether the administration was processing illegal aliens into the U.S. Of course, we were lying. All the court did was demand ethics training. A small price to pay.
One of the better lies was having my deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes, lie to Congress about the Iran nuclear deal. Ha, we pulled a fast one on Congress on that.
Of course, passing the Affordable Care Act was a masterful exercise in lying to the public and then getting the legislation passed without a single vote from the opposing party ─ a first in American history.
I could go on about how I mastered deception, manipulation and used power and I expect that Hillary Clinton will follow my example in applying the progressive needle to the American body politic.